Unlimited detention, psychological and physical torture and
murder at Abugraib,
“Rendition” where the FBI, CIA and Defense department
secretly moves people around the world to locations where it tortures them with
The FBI, CIA and Defense department hands people over to
foreign regimes that they know will torture them for alleged crimes.
Unlimited detention in the
Unlimited detention based on the designation of “enemy
combatant”, a status contrary to all international rules and laws.
Criminal negligence, leading to untold human misery and
vicious racism due to hurricane Katrina:
Before because of lack of adequate funding for flood
management and preparation.
During because of the snail like response to human
After because of the plans to keep the most oppressed from
returning, not providing employment to evacuees and exploitation of foreign
born workers in rebuilding New Orleans.
Preemptive war (as with Iraq) which is precisely what many
Nazis where successfully prosecuted for in the Nuremberg trials after WWII.
Fascist surveillance that chills the human democratic right
to think freely to pursue and promote scientific inquiry, knowledge and
truth. For example: premise searches by
the FBI and other agencies without warrants, searches of personal library and
rental store records, etc. Democratic
rights are fundamental to creating the foundation for liberating humanity. We must not allow this to happen to us, much
less to our fellow oppressed working class, student, farmer, small business,
professional, and peasant sisters and brothers around the world.
We must use teach-ins, petitions, rallies, demonstrations,
strikes, and all forms of expression including the arts to mobilize the masses
of everyday people in their tens of millions in U.S. and worldwide to force the
Bush/Cheney torturers and murderers to resign.
We must do this in order to halt Bush and Cheney’s psychotic, criminal
worsening of the in many cases already brutal, exploitation and oppression the
people around here and abroad face.
Let us have no illusion that
forcing Bush and Cheney to leave office for their crimes will end the
oppression and repression faced by us
daily by in this hell hole profit driven society, however we must strive to
make the battlefield, both here and around the world, as favorable to us as we
can in order to be liberated from the claws and jaws of exploitation as soon as
possible. We must not allow the terrain
of the battlefield to worsen against our just cause.
By forcing Bush and Cheney out of
office we may be able to open up the battlefield against the rich and their
monopoly corporate serving profit system.
This benefits the people’s movements both here in the US and around the
globe in the struggle against exploitation and oppression in order to secure a
decent war free life.
Bush and Cheney should be made to
pay for their crimes. Demanding that
Bush/Cheney get out should be like teeth to the gums of demanding that U.S. and
international courts indict and place Bush and Cheney on trial for their
dastardly deeds.
Let’s use movement to remove Bush
and Cheney from office to create a world free of the gangster profit system in
Amerika--the wage slave system that has made obscene profits off the backs of
the common folk for hundreds of years and continues to do so today with
Bush/Cheney as its chief executives.
Let’s end the greed and me first moral corruption this system thrives
upon and build a new world that abolishes classes to eliminate ALL exploitation
and oppression. This we must do to
finally liberate humanity across the planet from the ruthless reign of monopoly